Within the Filling and Digital Restorative Treatments, there are different treatment methods according to the needs of the person. Restorative treatment methods are generally preferred in the elimination of traumatic conditions that damage the jaw and mouth structure.
Filling and digital restorative treatments are preferred in deformations that occur in the jaw structure for any reason, in the treatment of crooked or crooked teeth, and in the replacement of missing teeth with healthy teeth.
Aesthetic Filling Treatment
Aesthetic filling treatment is applied to give a healthier and normal tooth appearance to the teeth that have damaged vision due to caries. Before the restorative treatment method is applied, the decayed tooth is cleaned under the control of the dentist and the carious tissue is removed from the tooth.
Then, the tooth root is made ready for filling and the tooth is filled with filling material. The entire gap is closed with filling material so that there is no space in the tooth where bacteria can enter. In general, laminated filling and composite filling techniques are preferred in the restorative filling method.
Restorative Dental Treatment Methods
Restorative dental treatment methods vary and shape according to the needs of individuals. However, the most preferred restorative dental treatment methods can be explained as follows:
Restorative Dental Filling
Restorative dental filling is also known as aesthetic filling and is one of the most preferred methods. Compared to the classic gray or black amalgam filling technique, the procedure is applied by preferring the white filling material that is more aesthetically pleasing. In addition, thanks to the restorative tooth filling method, aesthetic integrity is ensured in tooth color.
Onlay and Inlay Filling
Onlay and Inley fillings, also known as porcelain fillings. This special method is used in caries that occurs in some teeth. These are restorations that are produced with CAD-CAM systems with porcelain materials instead of composite filling application and adhered to the tooth.
Inlay filling and onlay technique are also frequently preferred among restorative treatment methods. Especially if the tooth is not damaged enough to be covered, these methods can restore the tooth and gain a more aesthetic and healthy appearance.
Composite Filling
Composite filling method is one of the types of filling that is compatible with tooth color and is often preferred in the restorative treatment method. The composite filling method, which is preferred by many people, offers a long-term and safe use on the front and back teeth.
After the cleaning of the decayed teeth, the composite filling method can be used in the restoration stage of the tooth. With the composite filling preferred in filling and digital restorative treatments, both the color and shape of the tooth can be changed.
Laminate Veneer
The laminate veneer technique is known as leaf porcelain. Laminate veneer technique, also known as contact lens porcelain coating, is also frequently preferred in restorative dental treatment.
In particular, the front surface of the teeth is covered with leaf porcelain and a much more aesthetic appearance is obtained. Since porcelain leaf coating is a very thin structure and does not contain any metal, it is a treatment method that allows people to achieve the desired result.
With the Laminate Veneer method, many problems in the teeth can be treated and the desired result is obtained. Successful results can be obtained in eliminating color inequalities in the teeth, cleaning the permanent stains on the teeth, closing the light gaps between the teeth, and removing cracks and breaks on the surface of the tooth.
With filling and digital restorative treatments, it is also possible to correct the clairvoyance that disrupts the aesthetic appearance in a short time and permanently. With restorative treatments, which are very effective in eliminating smile problems, abrasions on the surface of the tooth are also eliminated.
Restorative treatments are used not only for color inequalities, but also for the treatment of problems in the size and shape of the teeth. You can contact our clinic to get information about filling and digital restorative treatments and to make your appointment.